Rick Ross and Darius Burton, renowned figures in the world of music and entertainment, are breаking stereotypes and embracing a new venture – farming. The duo, known for their contributions to hip-hop and entrepreneurship, have shifted their focus to the agricultural sector, cultivating a unique connection with the land and its inhabitants.
Their farm, aptly named the ‘Promised Land,’ serves as a sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of their respective industries. Here, amidst sprawling fields and serene pastures, Rick Ross and Darius Burton find solace in nurturing the earth and tending to their growing livestock.
Contrary to the glitz and glamour associated with their music careers, the pair find fulfillment in the simplicity of farm life. “Feed the cows some carrots, talk to the horses,” remarks Rick Ross, highlighting the therapeutic nature of their daily routines.
For Rick Ross, whose persona often embodies themes of luxury and excess, the transition to farming represents a departure from convention. However, it is a move rooted in his deep-seated appreciation for nature and the importance of sustainable living.