Jamie Foxx shows off £133k Rezvani Tank car with thermal night vision and ballistic armour protection on Malibu date

 The Hollywood star rocked up to Nobu in Malibu in a Rezvani Tank car worth more than £133,000The Hollywood star rocked up to Nobu in Malibu in a Rezvani Tank car worth more than £133,000

The massive off-road vehicle boasts a host of ‘necessities’ such as thermal night vision systems and ballistic armour protection.

Basic Rezvani Tank cars can set a buyer back around £133,700 ($190,000) – but the price tag for Foxx’s high-tech version is unknown.

Buyers of the vehicle, released in the US last autumn, can also add a kevlar fuel tank, military grade run-flat tyres and bulletproof glass as extras.

 The 50-year-old has had a busy few days living it up at CoachellaThe 50-year-old has had a busy few days living it up at Coachella

The Hollywood star was seeing hopping out of his personal tank on Monday at the restaurant’s valet stand as he headed inside for his lunch date.

Dressed in a red-jacket and star-printed beanie hat, the star looked like he didn’t have a care in the world as he made his way into the restaurant.

 The star was joined on stage at Coachella by his daughterThe star was joined on stage at Coachella by his daughter