SZA’s exquisite modern mansion: A luxurious masterpiece of elegance and opulence

The AMG House is a Córdoba residence in the north. Designed to meet a client’s request for “complete privacy from the street to the interior.” The facade was designed to create a large blind portico with clean, straight lines that break through planes to make way for greenery throughout the house.

After passing through this grand portico, you enter a courtyard with landscaping and a vertical garden that leads to the house’s entrance. The simple house program and layout reflect the couple’s daily and social life. The ground floor is used by clients, while the upper floor is reserved for children and grandchildren.

The house is “T”-shaped, with the social area connecting the private and service areas. Integration or separation of social spaces was crucial to the program. To achieve this, sliding doors and wooden lattice were used to separate but not isolate spaces.

The staircase provides even more privacy between the master bedroom and the service area (garage-laundry and kitchen), which is connected by an imaginary axis to the social area (living room-dining room-lounge).

To match the facade, dark colors were used as a guiding thread and protagonist in different house spaces. Unlike its blind entrance, the house’s interior is permeable. Large windows connect the living room and gallery to the garden, integrating the greenery.

The same goes for all house spaces. While separated from its neighbors, the large windows and two courtyards formed by volume play allow natural light and greenery inside. This project used concrete, metal sheet, and stucco. Simple and noble, they reflect its form and function.